Sunday, 22 December 2013

The Last Femiria

The second prize in the before mentioned competition. People participated by suggesting TG caption themes with some mandatory keywords included. This particular suggestion, I think, came from that participant's own TG universe of Femiria, if I remember correctly. Please give me a shout if you recognize it, as I don't remember the name.
I'm uploading this and the former caption today as I won't be adding more work during Christmas. Captioneers need some time off too :)


The Autumn Festival

This was originally the first prize in a contest I arranged at DeviantArt. It's not as explicit as some of my other works, but the layout turned out pretty cool, didn't it? And I think it fits with the traditional holiday ahead :)


Thursday, 19 December 2013

What's That H2O Thing Again?

Sometimes I come upon a really sexy image like this and just know I'll have to make a caption of it. Almost every time I say to myself "Amber, don't spend all your hours this time gnawing at details and writing a long text. A couple of lines will often suffice." Needless to say, I always fail my aim. But at least this one is somewhat shorter than usual.


Wednesday, 18 December 2013

A For An A

Here comes another caption that isn't TG related. But I hope you'll enjoy it anyways.


Tuesday, 17 December 2013

I'll Be There For You, Sis! - part 2

I know it's a bit hard to read, so after the blog post view appears, you'll need to right click and choose "view image" to see it properly.


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

An Unholy Agreement

This is actually written with a non-TG theme, but I didn't remember at first as I reviewed my old captions folder. I read it through before thinking "Uhmm... I really did a poor job explaining the pretext here. How did the vampire transform himself into a hot chick to begin with?" Then I remembered that this was among my first attempts to break out of the TG genre for a bit.

That being said, I guess if you read it with the right amount of prejudice, it could work as a TG caption for those of you who would only have it that way. To help you out, I could explain the fact that he is a vampire. A supernatural being. Thus, having supernatural powers, he could transform himself into whatever he chose. Being a hot chick like this would make it a whole lot easier to pick up dazed, horny victims to feed upon. There you go. Enjoy :)

The Seamstress

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